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Topic: Starfield Review... In Progress
Posts: 9982
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

After several years of development, Bethesda's next major RPG - its first original IP in generations - is finally here. With all of the hype surrounding Starfield's release on Xbox Series X|S and PC - even though Bethesda offered a sizable lead time, we're not quite ready to offer a final verdict. In fact, we're far from it. Starfield is huge.

A snippet.
After paying the bill and loading it back into the world, seeing the result was one of those quintessential ‘wow’ moments. What was a 3D Lego-like toolbox creation in a window was now a real ship with scale that I had personally modified, upgraded, and built. One that I could now walk around and take a closer look at.

Learning a new system and getting excited about the things you can do is a big part of Starfield, perhaps the biggest of the first 20 or so hours - like the 40-minute presentation we got earlier in the year; even after 20 or 30 hours, you can’t help but feel like you’ve barely scratched the surface of what you can see and do in Starfield.

Our Starfield Review... In Progress
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