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Topic: Got a Horror Rental Story to Tell? Local Dev Fuzzy Ghost Wan...
Steve Farrelly
AusGamers Editor
Posts: 9654
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

Janet De Mornay is a Slumlord (and a witch) is an upcoming game from Sydney-based Fuzzy Ghost who is encouraging people to submit their horror rental stories right here or on Twitter with the hashtag "#renterhorror". The game, billed as a horror-comedy in the vein of Beetlejuice and Poltergeist, sees players solving puzzles while managing their landlord who has traveled with them into an alternate dimension.

“We wanted to make a horror game, so we asked ourselves: In Australia in the 2020s, what’s something that’s truly terrifying? To be honest the answer came pretty quickly—being a renter,” said Scott Ford, co-founder of Fuzzy Ghost and experienced renter in Sydney’s inner west. “JDM is a horror comedy about renting, and it feels like everyone we know has had a rental experience that’s horrible, or hilarious or both. We wanted to share their stories, as well as our own. Just have a great big bitch session, really. But in a game. And with witches.”

Successful stories will be featured in collectible Case Files hidden throughout the game’s world. The newly released trailer reveals some of the mystical puzzles the players will encounter. Akin to Resident Evil and Silent Hill, these puzzles reward players’ familiarity with their space and rely on how players interact with their new home.

Inspired by irreverent horror-comedy classics including Beetlejuice and Poltergeist, JDM sees you play as Andrew who has signed a new lease to an enchanted but crumbling queer terrace house in Sydney. The catch is, your house has been transported to another dimension. Using unique puzzle mechanics, players will explore their home and try to get back to the real world, as their faded television shopping channel star landlord (and witch) Janet DeMornay becomes increasingly menacing.
From the traier we can see that the game is rudimentary and definitely on-the-nose, but sometimes that's the best comedy of all.

Stay tuned for more on how this initiative turns out and for more on the game as it continues development.

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