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Topic: Forspoken Review - A Broken and Empty Experience that Casts ...
Steve Farrelly
AusGamers Editor
Posts: 9623
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

Square Enix and Luminous Productions' witch-leaning fish-out-of-water tale, Forspoken, is soon to be set loose upon the masses, but we argue there might be better ways to pass the time as this is a mostly vacuous, empty gaming experience with little to redeem it.

Here's a snippet:
It’s a harsh intro, but stacked against the game’s own stellarly awkward opening sequence it doesn’t feel out of place. We kick things off as Frey in the most on-the-nose of ways -- a troubled delinquent facing court for the umteenth time on the cusp of turning 21, she is a smart kid who can’t seem to cut a break. She’s also acutely aware of her Good Will Hunting condition and the nice judge lady gives her a break, sending her on her way with the sternest of warnings: stay out of trouble. Of course, trouble finds our saved cat and we get a glimpse of all the reasons Frey needs an immediate ‘out’ of her situation. Enter the rabbit hole, not so subtly explored when we get some background on our soon-to-be-witch, who even has a copy of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland in her abandoned apartment she’s clearly squatting in.

At this point you could make it a true Daily Double and just guess your way to the game’s eventual kick off point, and you’d probably pull ahead of all the other contestants...
Click here for our full Forspoken review.
Posts: 2
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland

Awesome review, I had fun reading this one! Nothing like a well-deserved roasting ^_^
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