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Topic: World of Warcraft: Dragonflight - The Big Interview
Posts: 9268
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

World of Warcraft 10.0 sees the return of dragons as Blizzard lifts the lid on the latest expansion World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Ahead of the big reveal we had the chance to sit down with Blizzard to talk about the new expansion, the arrival of a brand-new class (and race) with the Dracthyr Evoker, and how this is a return to the classic storytelling and exploration of old.

A snippet.

From the Afterlife to the Dragon Isles

“We've just gone to the afterlife, where there’s this huge, crazy cosmic story in Zereth Mortis that deals with the Jailer and the First Ones,” Jeremy Feasel says. “This is an opportunity for us to head back to Azeroth and into a very grounded space that feels like classic World of Warcraft. One of main focuses with this expansion is going to a place that's not necessarily about a world ending threat. It's about history. It's about characters. It's about exploration. That's the name of the game. From the get go, you're heading off on an exploration-based adventure, the groups that you set out with aren't even military groups.”

Setting off to the new locale, the ancient Dragon Isles, will see you share a passage with the thinkers and explorers of Azeroth. The Artisans, the historians, the Reliquary, the Explorers’ League. It’s all about discovery and rediscovery, why are the dragonflights back and what is their purpose. “That kicks off everything,” Jeremy Feasal explains. “This vibe of going into an untamed, unknown space full of mysteries that we all have to uncover.”
Click here for our World of Warcraft: Dragonflight interview.
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