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Topic: Nanoleaf Lighting Review - A Real-Life Story of Modular Hero...
Steve Farrelly
AusGamers Editor
Posts: 9256
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

We had a unique situation arise when time came to set up for review of some of the Nanoleaf range of LED lights, which essentially afforded us an opportunity to throw a bit of "life gets in the way" realness into the review experience, allowing us to present to you, a critique of the lighting range in three acts.

And you know, having had to face the review process this way was great. It dragged out the experience more than usual, but the end result helped form a view of the product from a different angle.

Here's a snippet:
Setting up these new lights amidst an already LED-tailored space thanks to LIFX was actually much easier than I thought. In particular, though, the Nanoleaf Shapes (and Triangles expansion) scared me the most. They’re mountable on walls with a supplied double-sided thick wall tape you place on swivel mounts. You then connect the hexagon or triangle-shaped, err… shapes to them. They’re swivel so that you can have some wiggle room when connecting the plates to one another which, if you’re building large, you’ll be incredibly thankful for.

The reason these scared me so much was two-fold: I didn’t want to get the layout wrong as I was putting them up in a very tight space. And two, I was worried they’d be difficult to remove should the worst happen -- moving house. You see, we don’t own yet, and despite ScoMo’s recently genius idea that my Nanoleaf concerns could be easily put aside if I just dipped into my loose change coffee cup (which is real) and simply bought a house, the truth was I didn’t own the wall I was decorating, and apparently coffee is more important to me than said ownership of the loadbarers, so a mortgage was still a ways off. (Don’t worry, this comes to a head, shortly.) So I ran a test and risked losing the ‘sticky’ by placing one mount, leaving it for a full 24 hours, and then proceeded to pull it off to see any potential damage.

Cyberpunk gods be praised, not a mark was left on the wall and I think the spot where it was might now be even cleaner than before...
Click here for our review of Nanoleaf's lighting range.
Posts: 40237
Location: Other International

Do they work natively with Home Assistant?!
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