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Topic: Political Thread 2.5 (Because we really haven't made any pro... Page: < 1 2 3 4 ... 10 11 12 13 >
Posts: 3247
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

I actually hold Virginia in high esteem. But the wig out over language in the senate is a farce and everyone knows it.

The greens need column inches and nothing more. The point is even while taking someone to task over their heinous gendered language a professional reporter managed to make a hypocrite of herself inside 5 minutes.

If hanson-young wants respect she should try not confusing tv drama with reality.
Posts: 624
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

She has a Bachelor in Social Science. That about sums up the entirety of her, to be honest.
Posts: 1033
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

Next to Michael Rowland being so professional, she does come across as unprofessional and fairly biased at times. But she has bigger boobs and better nips than Michael, and that's what really matters.;t=14168

Posts: 24092
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Virginia Trioli is not a journalist. She's an activist employed by the ABC.

Now I am going back into my cry closest to centre myself while I think about the numerous microagressions I may have inflicted today on every identity type in Australia (excepting for whites males of course because they cannot be discriminated against due to their privilege).
Posts: 9619
Location: Melbourne, Victoria
She has a Bachelor in Social Science. That about sums up the entirety of her, to be honest.
Posts: 4653
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

perhaps Trioli is just to the right of Leon Trotsky and a wall, but is she wrong? is Lionhelm not drawing a bit of a long bow when he summarises Hanson-Young’s position as ‘all men are rapists’?
Posts: 3248
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Hanson-young is a peddler of rape culture theory.

It's an accurate summary.

But beware the motte and bailey fallacy that attends the position. She will say "teach men not to rape" means something other than all men are rapists who have been socially conditioned to dominate women and must be taught not to do it.

Fwiw I disagree Virginia is an activist. I think she is generally a pretty balanced and she should hold his feet to the fire. I don't think it was a particularly compelling outing on her behalf.
Posts: 1034
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
Posts: 7874
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
The FK-IT policy what Straya does best.

Posts: 1036
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

More anti trump hype from left wing biased ABC News, this time it's about how Trump trade wars it will affect Australians. Fear sells, and fear generates hate.


A trade war will be hard to avert and Australia needs to prepare for the worst

Open it up to a wall of text.

Summary from wall of text used in headlines:

The most likely outcome is permanently higher tariffs

Permanently. Oh really!! Poppy cock.

Unless the Australian Government makes a robust case for free trade at home and abroad, it will find the domestic politics of international trade increasingly difficult to manage

Written by another left wing advocate from the left wing institute Sydney University.

Why can't the wall of text elaborate on "Australia needs to prepare for the worst"? Instead we have a wall of history of how we got here.

I was actually looking on the ABC news website for the details about how Trump says America pays for most of the defence of Europe. But could not find it. Maybe they chose not to publish that in quotable text. They ran it across the news bar on TV during the day with "See ABC News online for latest news and details".

Yah he's an annoying orange loud guy, but gee, this is the kind of tripe that naive people, who won't read details or seek facts will just go "Yep, another reason to hate Trump". This is the ABC's strategy, because it is over presented by employees who are left wing advocates preying on the naive with fear.

They pedal Trumphobia.
Posts: 26467
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland

Heh it's funny because I thought I saw last post in the thread was Twisted and he is normal and I read your post thinking it was him and I was thinking the poor guy has gone crazy but no, it's just you.

This is my final word in the/a ausgamers politics thread. I totally get how it's obnoxious of me to constantly post trump's controversies and failures in this thread so I will stop. It's a pretty firm belief of mine that certain people exist who are beyond reasoning with and who only react to direct personal inconvenience to themselves, and so I see my insulting acts as a satisfying but futile attempt to hopefully f*** with them in some way that helps them see that they are truly f***ed in the head. Strangely, they are resistant to such tactics.

trump f***s new things everyday and he is uniquely awful. My final say will be that he is the biggest threat to democracy the west has ever seen. He was not democratically elected. His election was a direct result of Russian interference. A move of complete ingenious on their part. Is the piss tape real? Who the f*** knows and who the f*** cares. The only thing that can adequately explain the utterly bizarre events and utterly bizarre behaviour by trump is that he is compromised in some way.

His children locking up was the final straw for me. It is an extraordinary act of cruelty for no purpose that can be properly explained. With that action he has firmly established himself as a figurehead of infamy for centuries. We are living through it right now, an infamous moment in USA history but like every other people who have lived through such times it is invisible. Only after this whole s***show is over will we see it for what it is - an almost genocidal act of separating families just to appease a racist minority. A racist minority that sees trump as a god. Who will let him do and say whatever he wants. And I mean that literally, whatever he wants. He is desperate to keep their support alive and relevant. So are others.

So keep this support of 'the right' in the USA up if you want. But like all things based on bulls*** it's destined one way or another to turn into dust and you'll be left holding a bag with a big f***ing nazi symbol emblazoned on it. Because to support the trump administration, or to apologise for it, is to align yourself with the most morally bankrupt people who have ever lived in the history of humankind. And that's another thing you can assign no hyperbole to because that's the point we're up to with trump. No matter how much he stacks the court and f***s with the processes that exist to serve justice to criminals like him I am still confident that he will face justice some day

Unless he starts literally murdering people instead of refouling* them to countries that will do the job for him what the f*** else is there to say?

*apparently not a word and I couldn't find a substitute for it so f*** you also I am drunk and the Blues lost :(
Posts: 3251
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

This is my final word in the/a ausgamers politics thread

It won't be.

A peak behind the curtain. And it's pretty f***ing funny.

Locking children up was the "final straw". Not if Obama did it it though. And there is hard proof he did.

Guess all those other times you wrote Nazis in your s*** you were crying wolf.

But you've said too many times now champ.

Cling to the Russian fantasy. It's clear it's important to you to salvage some self-respect because ideas you subscribe to have been so emphatically rejected.

Tell yourself what you have too you utter retard.
Posts: 625
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

His children locking up was the final straw for me.

When humanity reaches the moral virtue of fpot we know our work is done.
Posts: 24098
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

My final say will be that he is the biggest threat to democracy the west has ever seen.

I hope you find sweet release.
Posts: 4654
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

he’ll be eating his salty words when the winning starts
Posts: 24099
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

starts? HAH
Posts: 3252
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

he’ll be eating his salty words when the winning starts

More like when Trump turns out to be an unremarkable president by any reasonable metric, and not a mixture of Nixon, Hitler and Satan.

Which is to say he's been eating his salty words for two straight years, with no end in sight. Which probably explains the ever increasing histrionics.

My personal favourite of the week was the women's march condemning the SCOTUS pick with the name of the judge blank.
Posts: 4655
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

More like when Trump turns out to be an unremarkable president by any reasonable metric, and not a mixture of Nixon, Hitler and Satan.

on that I somewhat agree, but it depends on how well the other side can motivate their voters, perhaps starting with some candidates that don’t suck
Posts: 3253
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Which in turn will rely not on "their voters" but persuading the middle they will do a better job.

So far so arse wrenchingly f***ing aweful on that front.
Posts: 1037
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

That is the funniest thing I have read this week. I really do feel sorry for fpot, and those who are so 'affected' in Australia by what the orange guy is doing.

If you're into world affairs so much fpot, check out what is happening in Indian news, and also in Pakistani news. It might not have made our news yet. s***s about to go down in Pakistan regarding their politics.

The NAZI references to Trump are so messed up. Is this what your propaganda sources feed you? Here is a way to look at it. Nazi's were not keen on Jews. Trump, and anyone else who runs that nation is a puppet of the Jews whether they want to be or not. Whilst I don't like your socialist or communists left wing approach, democracy is not true democracy, it's lobbied by money. Whoever has the most money, can lobby and get what they want, within reason. Trump just officiated Jerusalem as Israels capital or something like that recently.

Here is an example of the kind of journalism that gets onto mainstream media. The kind left wingers are seeking. Front page of Guardian.

It's simply forming a bond through agreed hatred of another
Posts: 4656
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

teabaggers were even calling Obama a Nazi, it seems to be people's go to
Posts: 3254
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Yeah but if teabaggers are the yardstick, it gives you a pretty clear indication where the nazi brigade sit on the spectrum.
Posts: 1038
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

Today on "your ABC"

A study published in 2013 which surveyed 605 journalists from a variety of organisations on their voting intentions. Fifty-nine of these journalists were from the ABC, and only 34 of them answered the question on voting intention, with 25 either undecided or electing not to answer. Of the 34 who did answer, 41.2 per cent, or 14, said they would vote for the Greens. It suggests they are out of touch with ordinary Australians.
41.2 per cent of sampled ABC staff said they would vote for the Greens

ABC has a wall of text article about sampling sizes etc in an effort to combat the facts.

41.2 per cent of ABC sampled staff felt comfortable enough to answer the survey question, which was optional, and state that they would vote Greens.

That's more than double the Green factor of the average voters. ABC is more than twice as Green as the average voter, and they are 'working' employees, not unemployed people or students.

Would be interesting to see % ABC staff that vote Labor, considering public sector union employees tend to vote labor.

Who's ABC is it again?.... Green's and union's ABC.


Reply to Vash below

Vash's logic: Guardian is likely to be 'higher quality' than ABC.
Posts: 5800

Naturally. Green voters are Educated & Intelligent. Perhaps thats why ABC Journalism is of higher quality than the private options.
Posts: 24100
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Lol so intelligent, everyone they disagree with is literally a Nazi. HAH
Posts: 626
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

Being intelligent is like being a lady. If you have to tell everyone you are, then you most certainly aren't.
Posts: 5801

Lol so intelligent, everyone they disagree with is literally a Nazi. HAH

Some are intelligent enough to realise that isn't the case.
Posts: 3255
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Some are intelligent enough to realise that isn't the case.

f***en hell you're just a void where a brain should be.
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