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Topic: The Callisto Protocol Headlines Gamescom Opening Night Live ...
Steve Farrelly
AusGamers Editor
Posts: 9408
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

Halo jumps and dismemberment be damned, in The Calliosto Protocol it's all about mutation and the gritty, grimy job of just getting your hands dirty... and wet, as this all-new gameplay video from Gamescom Opening Night Live highlights.

Game director Glen Schofield revealed that one of the quirks of certain enemy types is when you see tentacles emerge from a dismemberment, the horror doesn't stop there as it did (and does) in Dead Space, with mutation being a key part of the monster biology in his upcoming December release, and just another phase in the life of a space mutie desperate to eat your face.

(Also, keep an eye out for the The Evil Within nod as the video rolls.)

In addition to the new gameplay, which was all captured on next-gen hardware (no disclosure as to which), we also have a batch of new screens you can check out below.

The Callisto Protocol is shaping up as one of the most anticipated horror releases in some time, and will hit PC and console this December 2. Stay tuned for more as it becomes available.

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