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Topic: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Preview - Everything We Know ...
Steve Farrelly
AusGamers Editor
Posts: 9340
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

This year’s Call of Duty entry from series creators, Infinity Ward, is not just a reimagining of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II from 2009, it’s a direct sequel to the studio’s 2019 effort. And as with that game, Modern Warfare II is more than just an update to an older title, it’s a complete overhaul and features some seriously groundbreaking tech set to push the franchise forward, and some of the biggest thinking from a studio towards the IP yet.

We had a chance to sit through a lengthy and in-depth presentation on some of the game’s new features.

Here’s a snippet:
We were shown portions of a few missions. Nightwar took place at night and featured a crashed chopper our TF141 operatives had to secure. The majority of the mission playthrough utilised night vision and also featured a lot of breach and clear building-to-building searches. This was a classic CoD-style mission and also stood as the best representation of how this is a direct sequel to the studio’s last effort.

Wet Work was an ultra-cool mission that showcased a lot of new tech where water is concerned, and featured Captain Price and Vargas stealthily taking out enemies in a marina. The immediate area was sandboxy and allowed the player to use the water freely as cover and a place to spring attacks from. It was also stunning. We also learnt that water is going to play a very big part in many facets of this MWII, and it shows with the amount of work done with it here. Things like the “Snell effect” which reflects the bottom of the body of water your in on the surface, limiting what you can see above the surface from below, depending on the environment.

Just lots of cool s*** like that.
Click here for our in-depth Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 preview.

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