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Topic: Gaming Journalism is at a Nadir, 3PB is ... what exactly?
Posts: 17290
Location: Cairns, Queensland

Thor, 2024's game dev messiah, puts it bluntly alongside ThePrimeGen in this clip:

Where is the 3PB review of this or ANY interesting game? What are you guys doing over there? Why did you launch the website without bothering to update via this website, your incubator? OK so ignoring AGN, its dead, your website went live and you didn't bother doing an update about it on your own FB feed?

Did you really launch with GUSTO, Steve?


Why is your first review in the feed from an indie game released in July that nobody has heard about or gives a s*** about when real s*** is happening? Why are you compelled to s*** the bed?

Your current hero review is for the Outlaws nothingburger?! JFC

I am so disappointed lads. This is the least interesting gaming website I could imagine and I had such high hopes for it. Grow a pair, make your mark, and post s*** that matters ... REVIEW VIDEO GAMES PLEASE
Steve Farrelly
AusGamers Editor
Posts: 9833
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

Ah man, well for one. Facebook is a dead horse and two, everything we'd been being promised from a dev perspective was just pushed back and back. We're a small team with big ambitions and other aspects took over. It's full steam ahead now and we'll have relevant content building over the next few weeks. The soft launch window was to get us in a clickable and usable state but those older reviews were games we were readying for those promises and so worked on them only to have stuff pushed back to a point it seemed redundant to write any more stuff that would be out of date.

I thought we'd hit the ground content-running, but time was not on our side in a weird irony, because we ended up having so much of it.

And fair enough if that's your position. You know we do good work though, we have for a long time here. I'm just head down bum up now to get as relevant as quickly as possible.
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