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Topic: Gaming research survey @ Griffith Uni
Posts: 1

Hey friends! Are you 12-20 years old and can complete a 15min online survey? I would be SO GRATEFUL!

As part of my PhD I am conducting a study on the relationship between video gaming and adolescent sleep problems. I am seeking adolescents aged 12-20 years old. Participation involves completing a short (15-20mins) anonymous online survey. Upon completion of the survey, you can enter a random prize draw to win one of five $50 Teen gift cards. More information is provided if you follow the link below! Please feel free to share the link with others! :)
Posts: 40240
Location: Other International

can you please add some more info about your PhD, university, etc? this reads almost indistinguishable from spam. I clicked the link & it looks legit but very hard to tell
Posts: 2

Hello! Definitely not spam - I am a real, alive (at least as much as a PhD student can be!) student at Griffith University in Queensland. My PhD is on adolescent sleep and technology use, with this study focusing specifically on the relationship between video gaming and sleep problems. The research study is real and has ethics approval from the university (as stated on the info page), the survey is real, and the prize draw is certainly real too. :) I have a flyer to advertise as well, however could not work out how to upload a pdf or image to my post.

Unfortunately it is very hard to advertise anything on the internet without it seeming like spam these days... but it is extraordinarily hard to get participants for research, so cold-posting online is a necessary part of recruitment. Do you have any advice on how I should reword it so that it is clear it is not spam?
Posts: 40241
Location: Other International

I'd just include some of the information from your info page into the copy of the post - the university name and school are the two major things. I am a nerd and so am also interested in things like the [working] title of your PhD and maybe a paragraph on what your research is about (the "Why is the research being conducted?" section) and what I would need to do as a participant (the "What is involved?" section).
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