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Topic: Need recommendation for a gaming laptop
Posts: 1
Location: Other International

Currently, I'm looking for a suggestion to purchase my gaming laptop. I have already checked out some good devices from Asus and Lenovo, but I'm in confusion about which one should I take. I couldn't decide yet because I don't have enough knowledge in this area. Below I have included what specs should have on my new laptop and the game lists, Which I want to play without frame dropping or other issues. Please check and suggest to me the best one

Spec's Requirements:

Processor: Core i7, i9 or Ryzen 7, 9

Display: FHD / OLED

Storage: At least 1 TB

RAM: At least 16 GB

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce RTX3050TI at least

Game lists:

World War



Ever Quest

The Witcher 3

Supremacy 1914

Dying Light

Hitman 3

half-life alyx

Is this site providing Acer nitro 5 legal price, caused I have faced some issues on price with our country reseller, they're asking too much price than the official price. Should take from here, I am also seeking this advice

I have already posted on some gaming and pc communities. But still, I didn't get any good suggestions about this price.

Hope I will receive my best suggestions from the ausgamers community. Thanks in advance
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