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Topic: My wife "needs" a Gaming PC
Posts: 6
Location: Nowra, New South Wales

G'day Ausgamers,

I'm looking to play some GZDoom Sourceport games with the wife (Doom/Heretic/Hexen), but she's not keen on buying a game-worthy PC just for the odd weekend of gaming and the iGPU on her laptop just sucks, it can't even handle a stable frame rate, especially after some mods. We're also big into the whole recycling/reusing thing, and I'd love to give some old hardware another life. So I thought that people here might have a bunch of old hardware bits and pieces lying around that you were too lazy to sell or chuck.

Anyone care to donate an old component for a good cause? My hope is that I can scrounge up a few unwanted parts from multiple people and turn it into a decent GZDoom machine - What I'm thinking is something from 2015 and onwards so that it can handle DX12 and Vulkan sourceports. I'll gladly reimburse (or organise a courier myself for bulky items) for postage - as long as the components actually work.

GPU: Nvidia GTX 960 or Radeon R9 285
CPU: Intel i5 Quad core or AMD Ryzen 5
SSD: 64GB or bigger
RAM: 8GB of DDR3/4 (I think?)
PSU: 500w atx
CASE: atx of any kind
MOBO: This might be the hard part, but I'll see what you guys come back with
Monitor: If it's a flat screen and it works, I'll be glad to have it :)

You'll have my gratitude and the satisfaction that you helped an old gamer have some fun. I'll happily post a picture of the donated computer parts all assembled in a working PC so you can all see what the community supported.

If you have something you'd like to offload, please let me know and I'll PM you my details.

(I can also pick things up if you are around or between Brissy's southside and Gold Coast.)

Thanks for reading! And Game on!

Posts: 40235
Location: Other International

s*** I literally just threw out like four old complete systems last week at council pickup time. Slightly older specs than what you wanted. They were all picked up from the curb almost instantly.
Posts: 4326
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
don't have anything myself but I'll ask the lads
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