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Topic: AusGamers Top 10 Games of 2022 - Honourable Mentions
Steve Farrelly
AusGamers Editor
Posts: 9602
Location: Sydney, New South Wales

As promised, on the penultimate day of our annual AusGamers Top 10 Games of 2022 countdown we've revealed the Honourable Mentions -- those that didn't quite sneak into the final 10, but filled out the full list of 20 we drew our final thoughts from. We also feel the Honourable Mentions are as eclectic a collection of games as the Top 10 list proper, which is an even better reflection of the diversity of gaming we saw in 2022 overall.

Including Indies, other AAAs and even an Early Access outing, this Honourable Mentions list is full of great games you absoutely should check out if you manage to get the time. Each entry offers up a different type of game, from interactive cinematic movie types through to skating to some of the best tunes you'll hear on a videogame soundtrack, there's something for everyone in this list.

Click here for our Top 10 Games of 2022 - Honourable Mentions.
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