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Topic: Dishonored 2 Free Trial Coming April 6
Posts: 1927
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

One that will let you play the first three missions of the campaign as either Empress Emily Kaldwin or the royal protector, Corvo Attano -- on PS4, Xbox One, or PC. As one of the best games of 2016, Dishonored 2 ups the freedom and choice of the original in a thrilling and inventive action-adventure game that, for some of you, may have gotten lost in the holiday shuffle. Personally, it's one that I missed and got to play prior to the launch of Zelda. And it certainly lived up to the hype.

Getting to play the first three campaign missions is a substantial slice of the game too, and being able to alternate between Emily and Corvo is a nice touch with both characters offering a completely different set of abilities.

AusGamers' own Joaby gave it a glowing review, stating.

While many games give you a variety of options for character building, technically giving you multiple playthrough options, most games aren't really designed for it -- Dishonored 2 is. With each level presenting numerous pathways through it -- both physically and in terms of play style -- you can easily lose hours just by playing the same level repeatedly and making different choices. The way you solve the puzzles of the game as Emily won't be the same as Corvo. Emily can link the fates of three guards together, so that when she kills one the others die, for example. Corvo would need to stop time to force all three to drop dead together.

Definitely one to check out.
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