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Topic: Fallout 4 Won't End When It Ends, Or Have A Level-Cap
Posts: 279
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

In a response to the number of questions Bethesda Games Studios has received about the end game structure of Fallout 4, they've taken to Twitter to provide a short and very meaty response. First up, unlike Fallout 3, the game won't end when the story concludes. Hooray! And secondly, there won't be a level cap. Double hooray! That means you could potentially roam the wastelands for as long as you want. How does forever sound?

The biggest change from Fallout 3 and New Vegas lies with the removal of a level-cap, which will be interesting to see how it gets implemented. Because naturally this could lead to balancing issues for any post-release content or planned expansions.
Posts: 1721
Location: Central Coast, New South Wales

Nice to see they've learned from their past games and the "essential" mods people have put out.

Uncapping levels was the first thing I did in every game like this.
Posts: 294
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland

Being able to play on after "the end" is cool, be stupid not to have it again, standard for open world games though.
The uncapped leveling I don't really care for either way.
Posts: 5990
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
"War,... war never changes"

Oh God, I am going to be lost in this game for months when it arrives.

Even scored a Pip Boy Edition for one of my boys (the 19yr old)...he has no clue he's got one coming.


Nov 10th...bring it on...

Posts: 22748
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Uncapped levels, does that mean stuff is going to scale up with you as you level or will you just end up out-levelling everything and killing the fun? That pretty much happened to me in Skyrim, I never even finished the main quest, but after a few hundred hours of play my guy was so levelled up and so geared that when I did quests that were meant to have big epic moments and big epic fights they were completely trivial and it kinda sucked the epic feeling out of it.
Posts: 25316
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland

What skill level did you play on?

Bullet sponge enemies aren't fun anyway but enemies are pretty tough on legendary.
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