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Topic: Microsoft vs Google
AGN Admin
Posts: 11149
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Yahoo! have this interesting item which seems to indicate Microsoft want to make a move into the Internet searching market:
"We do view Google more and more as a competitor. We believe that we can provide consumers with a better product and a better user experience. That's something that we're actively looking at doing," Bob Visse, director of marketing for Microsoft's MSN Internet services division, said.
I tell you what, it'd take a pretty awesome service before I'd stop use Google. How much better could it get!
Posts: 231
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
heh imagine using MS Search engine.

Search: Anti-trust and Microsoft
Result: No result found


Search: Linux ISO

=D =D
Posts: 951
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
yep, I can imagine that microsoft thinks that google is too simple, which I think is infact what makes it so appealing you get and see exactly as much as you need.
Posts: 232
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

yep, I can imagine that microsoft thinks that google is too simple, which I think is infact what makes it so appealing you get and see exactly as much as you need.

hhaha :) Yeah they might even have the "Clippy" assistance type pops up to annoy you :)
Blade Hunter
Posts: 3300
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
Google is the single most used search engine for myself at both work and ourtside work, it would take a HUGE improvement in an alternative for me to move away from Google.
Posts: 1018
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
yep, google is the best, they will have a hard time beating it.
Posts: 701
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
I can see it now "Microsoft buy out google"


Save us!! *sits in the corner and cries*
Posts: 512
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
google rocks.
there's no gimmicks, no advertising and now you can seach for just in Australia :D yay!
Posts: 2565
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
Go try and find something on technet or msdn using microsoft's search facility. It is hugely crap. Hugely.

If i've got a microsoft problem I go to google's microsoft site first rather than directly to MS. It's quick, it's simple, it works.
Posts: 9961
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
There would be such a nerd uproar if google was microsoftalised, someone would make a new google type thing. for a site as popular as google it's a surprise that there is no one in direct competition with it.
Posts: 8103
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
for a site as popular as google it's a surprise that there is no one in direct competition with it.
can you elaborate here? I am sure all the other search engine's haven't all dried up and been swept under the sofa yet.
Posts: 9962
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
There is something about google that distinctly sets it apart from other www search websites, I don't care to define what it is about google that makes it so intuitively special, but I haven't seen another search engine that has it.
Posts: 8104
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
ah ok, all the extra features and tools that they add onto it, not just the raw searching ability.
Posts: 5326
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
there's no gimmicks, no advertising and now you can seach for just in Australia :D yay!

Actually that statement about advertising is wrong. Google does advertise but they do it in a manor which is far more nice and clean than all the other tools wholl just chuck upa big obtrusive banner.

On the right side of your searches there are usually small boxes under the heading: Sponsored Links. Thats their version of adds. Apparently it costs a s***LOAD to get an add there too. Understandable though I guess.
Posts: 5500
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
You cant beat google.

The name just owns. MircoGoogle. yerright..
Posts: 1173
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
I find the arrogance of MS saying that they can do better than the number one search engine in the world, without having done ANYTHING to back it up pretty breathtaking.

Google has moved beyond search engine, it's now entered contemporary vocab (witness "google" as a verb. I dont know anyone who says "just altavista it, or just yahoo it)

MS hating is old, but it's so typical of their attitude - see somebody else's innovation, bad mouth it, then rip it off.

Just one I'd like to see them shut up and make their better version, and let people judge.
Posts: 1969
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland
Posts: 2134
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Microsoft have ben googleplexed!!! lol i like it
Posts: 9973
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Posts: 541
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
The day microsoft touched google, is the day i announce jihad!
Posts: 5214
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
meh it's just a search engine, they come they go
Posts: 239
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Does google even have stock? Well

Nope they're not. They're still privately held (sort of -- it got venture capital etc). Unlike other .COM they're actually profitable :)
Posts: 2569
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
There's an anti-google site on the web that lists the issues some people have with it. It was mentioned in one of the news papers over the weekend: Google
Posts: 242
Location: Brisbane, Queensland

There's an anti-google site on the web that lists the issues some people have with it. It was mentioned in one of the news papers over the weekend: Google

Yeah you can't please everyone I suppose. But, somehow I'd imagine there'll be even more of these kind of sites if Microsoft ever took over Google :)
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