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Topic: Jedi Knight 3 / Galaxies News
Posts: 9946
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Games Domain did an interview with Activision producer Graham Fuchs, designer Jon Zuk, and Raven Software co-founder and JKIII project lead, Steve Raffel about Jedi Knight III (working title).
You can create your own character who is a student at the Jedi Academy training to become a Jedi Knight, so you're going to work with Kyle and Luke. As you saw in Episode 1, the Jedi train by going out in the field, with more experienced Jedi, and working various missions. That's the loose structure of what the player is going to be doing. All these missions form a larger story that will flow through the entire game.
They go on to talk about the gameplay, engine, mod community, and features of the game.

As for Star Wars Galaxies, they officially started Beta 3:
We will be inviting 5000 new people by Friday (go easy on those F5 keys). The NDA is still in place. We’ll let you know when it has been lifted. We will be adding more people next week and the week after. We would like to ramp up to 50,000 by early May. The process is mostly random, but we will still hand pick people who we think would make good testers from these forums. We do not have an official release date yet, but will inform you as soon as we do. (We would like to get little bit into Beta 3 first so we can be confident of any date we give you).
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Posts: 248
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
thats good news i cant wait. custom fighter will rock
Posts: 3122
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
seafnt SWG till that comes out....cus its gonna OWN any MMORPG thats out there....mainly cus its BLIZZARD! and its WARCRAFT!! :D
Posts: 9958
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
not quite following you there fireblood
Posts: 199
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
I was interested in galaxies but i'm unsure if i should wait for a while after its release to get a more 'mature' experience or to jump in straight away to get a head start (or rather not be left behind). I've not played an MMORPG before but surely the initial exploration of the universe must be much more interesting than knowing exactly where everything is too, although it looks like galaxies will get rushed out the door hence the early days will be buggy days.
Posts: 2177
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
It'll always be buggy, just more so on release than later on :P
Posts: 2636
Location: New South Wales
SWG intersts me cause it would be cool to do it.

I get the feeling though WoW will be more fun.
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